
Rookie Robotham shifts focus to Bathurst

20 Sep 2022
Robotham to sit out Super2 Bathurst round
2 mins by James Pavey

Jaylyn Robotham’s focus on Bathurst has opened the door for Image Racing to blood a Super2 rookie.

Robotham will race a wildcard Commodore with fellow Super2 driver Matt Chahda.

The Chahda/Robotham entry will be one of three wildcards in the Repco Bathurst 1000.

Robotham announced Monday that he will step aside for the Bathurst Super2 round to focus on the Great Race.

Image Racing moved swiftly to announce Erebus Academy driver Reef McCarthy as Robotham’s replacement.

McCarthy, 18, will make his Super2 debut at the October 6-9 event.

The Bathurst round will feature dual 150-point races.

McCarthy will take the reins of Robotham's #999 Commodore at Mount Panorama.

He has recently competed in Victorian Formula Vee Championship and currently sits second in the standings.

His 2022 campaign has featured eight podium finishes and six race wins.

However, McCarthy knows Super2 in Bathurst will be a “real test”.


He is no stranger to Supercars, having competed in Super3 last year.

McCarthy scored four podium finishes and a win at the Bathurst event.

“The Super2 field is a really strong category,” he said.


"I’m looking forward to testing my skills amongst some of the best up and coming drivers.

"I’m very fortunate that Terry and Dana [Wyhoon] have given me this opportunity, especially at the last minute.

“To have a great group of people behind me that will do whatever they can to get me out on track and give me the best car that they can is really fantastic of them.

“I’m going into Bathurst without too many expectations on myself.”

McCarthy will complete a test day at Winton on September 28.

Robotham and Chahda will test their wildcard entry on Tuesday, also at Winton.

Tickets for the Repco Bathurst 1000 are available on Supercars.com and Ticketek.

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